Quotes 33

A stern and level headed quote by the man of Physics on expectations and assumptions.

I have no responsibility to live up to what others expect of me. That’s their mistake, not my failing.

– Richard Feynman

Potential causality for psychiatric disorders

This is quite an interesting study. Certainly a long way to go in understanding the data better, but looks like the right direction forward in the research.

Particular genetic variants in the human genome that are important for the development of the brain early in the life of the foetus are frequently found in psychiatric disorders, recent work from Denmark shows. Researchers studied a total of 8 million genetic variants and found that some of them occur particularly often in people who

Source: Psychiatric Disorders Correlation With Prenatal Gene Regulation Confirmed

Quotes – 23

“Give thanks for sorrow that teaches you pity; for pain that teaches you courage – and give exceedingly thanks for the mystery which remains a mystery still – the veil that hides you from the infinite, which makes it possible for you to believe in what you cannot see.”

— Robert Nathan

Steppingstone to evolution secret ?!

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  <span style="font-family:Verdana;font-size:85%;">Well eventhough this sort of thing is intuitive, IMO, knowledge is nothing but memories digged out from our own mind, hidden until the right moment, felt in a flash as intuition ! Before i become more philosophical, just read the article. Nothing mind-bending really but definitely worth the time.</span>

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A lovable text for Humanity

    You sure are interesting, little ants, crawling around on a largely uninteresting little sphere you honestly believe you control. You do not understand the wonder that surrounds you in this vast Universe, but each and every one of you believes you are the center of it. Most of the time, your tiny tragedies and victories are the only thing that matters. You rush around, acting all serious and important, as though your next wrong step could cause all of existence to collapse around you.</span>
  </p></blockquote> </div> 
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    <span style="font-family:Verdana;font-size:85%;"><a href="http://blog.sesock.com/archives/2004/01/30/a-love-song-for-humanity/">Read on</a> &#8230;</span>
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    <span><span><span><span><span style="font-family:verdana;font-size:85%;">Reminded me of the famous Smith&#8217;s dialogue from Matrix. I could have repeated that dialogue without referring to it. Its so burnt into my mind for reasons i consciously do not know ! Anyway, here is the beauty for your pleasure.</p> 
        From Matrix : Agent Smith to Morpheus &#8211;
        I&#8217;d like to share a&#8230; revelation I had, during my time here. It came to me when I tried to&#8230; classify your species. I realized that you&#8217;re not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but&#8230; you humans do not. You move to an area&#8230; and you multiply and multiply&#8230; until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to.. spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Humans beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet&#8230; and we&#8230; are the cure.
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Right now and … what ?


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  <span style="font-family:verdana;font-size:85%;">Phase 1 in my research is complete and i am probably way ahead than the rest of my class-mates in terms of amount of completion. But Phase 2 is a monster on which i am working on currently. It hogs all the time i have. The physics, the math, the software design and the actual coding in both MATLAB and .NET is making me bonkers. Dell was truly a paradise with lots of time to read but ironically, i might have caught up in pace with all the technological advancements i missed out in the past one year by reading blogs, articles and stories, news on .NET and general programming. I am in the process of designing my software code for the computational model and i can clearly see that the old tricks are still in the bag ! Wonderful. </span>

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  <span style="font-family:verdana;font-size:85%;">My PhD qualifiers are coming up this september and haven&#8217;t even started preparing for the behemoth. I am scared to my bones even thinking about it. I have to clear the qualifer this time, no matter what. Amidst all the chaos that is happening right now, i still need to squeeze in more time for the preparation. Oh well. Another challenge coming up. Need to get more coffee from the grocery store.</span><span style="font-family:verdana;font-size:85%;"></p> 
    The other day, I saw a bunch of Indian guys playing cricket on a nearby field. Fragile as i am, the feeling more intensified with the monotony, with strong desires to play, i walked away. Ironic. Confusing. But that&#8217;s how weird my mind is working these days. So then, i forced myself to play soccer at the recreation center and midway through the game i realized that i had no stamina left to run anymore. I had to bail out and watch the rest of the match from the stands. It was worse than pathetic. At the end of it all, there is just one conclusion. I need to take more time out and play something daily or am not gonna last my target of sweet 32, no matter what 😉
    And oh yeah. Forgot my other recent addiction these days. &#8220;Unreal Tournament&#8221;. I remember back in those good old college days, when night out was just another regular day in &#8216;Octagon&#8217; &#8211; the computer lab, playing Unreal on the network with an alias &#8220;HellRaiser&#8221;. That sure as hell was fun 😉 Now, after almost 4 years, the memory haunts and the mind fell for it. So i installed Unreal and started playing online, using my unlimited DSL connection, and life has taken a twisted turn.
    Sleep which i once so dearly loved, for which i bunked so many classes in college, so many morning hours with meetings in Dell, has become just another triviality. I don&#8217;t have to go to my office daily, and i do most of my work at home. But i still don&#8217;t have enough time to do lots of stuff i have wanted to do. It ain&#8217;t stress management or work management. That&#8217;s bull given by managers in a Dilbertish environment. There simply isn&#8217;t enough time ! Does anyone understand that ? Again. I ain&#8217;t cribbing my ass off here. That&#8217;s not the point. The fact i am pointing out is that either there simply isn&#8217;t enough time to go around in a day or i am surely becoming slower at what i do best. God i hope it&#8217;s the first one. Or maybe i just need more sleep.</span>
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Back at College Station


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Fun or torture ?

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Finals, India trip and my research.