No excuses but apologies again, and again, for those innumerable days of absence this and past year on account of severe work constraints. I believe that once there was something in me that pushed me write so frequently, something that fervently held my brains in position to come up with the motivation and insight to write interesting articles. Where did “that” hide itself is a question I ponder ! In hopes of reviving that which was lost within me, here, I start again.

This year has been quite a ride overall and have met quite a few pros in my field during one of my visits to a national lab at Idaho. The trip was fantastic and got to meet some nice people to hang out with, to play, to cook and to drink. I could not ask for more. The work has been state-of-the-art for the most part but every now and then, I find myself at the bleeding edge. We still have a long way to go !

Life has resumed back in Texas and my semester starts in another 2 weeks. Research is the primary focus now and have very few courses left. Several papers await completion and I need some very good sleep. Until tomorrow, peace be with all of us.